Plymouth Healing Communities’ 2024 Night of Hope

Thank you to everyone who attended Plymouth Healing Communities' Night of Hope and those who supported the event but could not attend! You made it a memorable evening.

This year’s Night of Hope celebrated our rich history. We embraced the theme of radical love and honored our founders. Their pioneering work has paved the way for the important work PHC continues to do today, and it's crucial to remember and celebrate our past as we move forward.

A special thank you to this year’s speakers of hope, PHC board president Robie Flannagan, executive director Padrica Hoffman, Plymouth Church UCC’s senior pastor Dr. Kelle Brown, and the evening’s keynote speaker, Senator Manka Dhingra.

The evening proved that hope exists even in the dark and that it just takes radical love for hope to grow.

Take a look at this year's slide show to see your wonderful faces and all the joy we shared.

See you next year!